Spring Webflux: Security configuration

LE Duc Duy


This post will be about how I got configured Spring Webflux Security. The code can be found on https://github.com/duyleduc/spring-boot-webflux-security

Default Security Setup

Add the spring-boot-security in your pom.xml


This will add @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity containing the initial/default security configuration. To authenticate using username/password, we need a database to store these informations.

Spring boot webflux only supports NoSQL database, in this example, we’ll use reactive mongodb, so add this dependency to your pom.xml


Spring Security Configuration Class

For the security configuration, we’ll create a class SecurityConfiguration with these annotations: @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity and @EnableWebFluxSecurity.

public class
SecurityConfiguration {

To complete this configuration, we can take advantage of class ServerHttpSecurity. Next step, provide the following config:

// Disable login form
// Add a filter with Authorization on header http.addFilterAt(webFilter(),SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHORIZATION)
// Passing a white list endpoint, do not need to
// authenticate

Also, we’ll need a user details service. We must implement the ReactiveUserDetailsService interface

public class ReactiveUserDetailsServiceImpl implements ReactiveUserDetailsService {}

we’ll create an implementation of ServerWebExchangeMatcher to check the authorization header token

public class JWTHeadersExchangeMatcher implements ServerWebExchangeMatcher {}

Then, in the SecurityConfiguration class, create a bean of AuthenticationWebFilter:

AuthenticationWebFilter webFilter() {
AuthenticationWebFilter authenticationWebFilter = new AuthenticationWebFilter(repositoryReactiveAuthenticationManager());
authenticationWebFilter.setAuthenticationConverter(new TokenAuthenticationConverter(tokenProvider));
authenticationWebFilter.setRequiresAuthenticationMatcher(new JWTHeadersExchangeMatcher());
authenticationWebFilter.setSecurityContextRepository(new WebSessionServerSecurityContextRepository());
return authenticationWebFilter;

AuthenticationWebFilter needs a token converter, this class will convert a token from ServerWebExchange (HttpRequest not exists anymore in webflux) to a Mono<Authentication>

public class TokenAuthenticationConverter implements Function<ServerWebExchange, Mono<Authentication>> {}

Customize AuthenticateManager

When you want to customize your (JWT) token, for example, add some customized claims, we could create your own AuthenticateManager by the following code:

public class JWTReactiveAuthenticationManin ager implements ReactiveAuthenticationManager {@Override
Mono<Authentication> authenticate(final Authentication authentication) {
if (authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
// This can prevent call method get user from database multi times
return Mono.just(authentication);
// Customize your implementation here
return Mono.just(authentication)

This is some feedbacks from some playgrounds about Spring Security in Webflux. All codes are in my github repo:




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